Many candidates for Newsom’s re-election have criticized his handling of the pandemic, but which governor did it well? She asked, referring to Ron DeSantis- Ron Desantis in Florida was probably the best of all, Jenner remarked. There is a thriving economy there since they maintained their economies free. As the number of Covid cases in Florida soars, Ron DeSantis pushes into the mask-mandate fights. Governor Ron DeSantis is banking that an aggressive campaign against obligatory mask-wearing in schools would stiffen the Republican base before his projected re-election run next year — and brand him a GOP hero nationally as the party’s 2024 presidential primary approaches.

DeSantis’s school mask ban is unconstitutional, a judge says in Florida

Governor Desantis’ effort to thwart local school districts from enacting their own mask rules was rejected by a Florida judge on Friday morning. Initial threats included depriving people who attempted it of financial support. According to a Florida judge, Tallahassee’s ruling prohibiting local school boards from implementing mask regulations does not “clear constitutional muster.” After a four-day online trial, Leon County Circuit Judge John C. Cooper handed down his ruling. The state is struggling to contain the spread of Covid-19. As long as school districts have a “compelling state interest” and a “narrowly tailored” plan of action, Cooper says, they can enact regulations, such as mask mandates. Gov. Ron DeSantis’ blanket ban on local mask mandates, which violates Florida’s separation of powers laws, was blocked by a judge, who made it clear that he was not ruling against him.  Jenner was asked if she would do the same thing here in California, and she said she absolutely would do it! That’s something that’s up to the local school systems, she explained. “I truly trust in the right of having self-proclamation.” She has made immigration a vital part of her campaign. As part of a statewide bus tour, Jenner visited the border wall in Arizona. While we were standing there, five Brazilians walked across the street from Brazil, according to the woman’s account. “And they surrendered. That’s our immigration system, after all.” Undocumented immigrants now have access to better health care thanks to Newsom’s signature on a new law. In an interview with ABC10, Jenner was questioned if she has any plans to change that. As Jenner put it: “First off, Gavin Newsom does nothing but throw money at these problems.” A second time, ABC10 asked Jenner if she had a precise answer. Jenner said, “No.” Security at our southern border is essential. No, Jenner answered when asked if her campaign would welcome an endorsement from former President Donald Trump. At this point, Jenner claimed that she backed the Republican Party’s decision not to endorse any candidate. “The last thing we need is a dialogue. We all need to conduct our campaigns, and we need to do it now.” Republican Talk Show Host Larry Elder has been asked by Jenner to withdraw from the contest. “Are you mindful of Larry Elder’s thoughts on women’s cases? At the moment, it doesn’t look reasonable, “she remarked. We can’t have a governor whose ex-fiance accuses him of sexist behavior.

How important is the use of masks amid the Covid outbreak

Health professionals, especially those at the CDC, strongly advocate mask use as a preventative measure against Covid-19’s spread. In two ways, putting a mask in community places decreases the spread of the coronavirus that causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome. By limiting the emission of virus-containing droplets into the air, masks help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to others “Journal of the American Medical Association article. Secondly, Mask wearers who are not infected yet get safeguarded from the potential threat. Using a mask protects your eyes, nose, and mouth from big respiratory droplets.”

Covid Update

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1 DeSantis’s school mask ban is unconstitutional, a judge says in Florida2 How important is the use of masks amid the Covid outbreak3 Covid Update