What is the Emerson College survey, and what is it about?

In a national Emerson College poll, registered voters mixed opinions of President Joe Biden’s job performance: 47 percent disapprove and 46 percent favor. There is seven percent (7%) of those who are unsure. A recent Emerson national poll found that Biden’s approval rating had dropped from 49 percent to 39 percent, with 12 percent unsure. From August 30 to September 1, an Emerson College survey was undertaken. According to the pollster, the data sets were averaged depending on 2020 participation modeling by age, education, race, party affiliation, and area. 

President DeSantis? Do some say yes, some say no- excellent sign or a bad one?

When it came to pollsters’ best guesses for how Florida’s governor may do in the 2024 Republican primary, there has been some excellent sign for DeSantis. With Trump in the race, DeSantis received only 10% of the vote, putting him 57 points behind the former President. If Trump does not run, Republican respondents in this state prefer Florida Governor Ron DeSantis over the other options. DeSantis’ 32 percent puts him ahead of former Vice President Mike Pence (24%), Sen. Ted Cruz (13%), and former Governor Nikki Haley (10%), with the rest of the field far behind. While DeSantis is still a viable Trump replacement in 2024, there are several limitations, including polling that shows Floridians are tired of his administration style. According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, 59 percent of Floridians oppose DeSantis running for President, while 35 percent support the idea. Even Republicans are opposed to seeing it. While 67 percent of voters support Ron DeSantis for President, 24 percent do not; 61 percent of Independents oppose the idea, implying that the Governor’s base plays may have come at a cost. Those figures stood out in a poll that was, on the whole, favorable to DeSantis. While the statistics aren’t spectacular, they are impressive for an incumbent lawmaker whose country has formed the core of the coronavirus’s fourth wave. As a result, the 2024 question stands out even more. Everybody knows who their governor is, and they know what senator they are. Our human nature doesn’t allow us to think of them as a possible president. Reelection for DeSantis in November 2022 will be a challenging (and pricey) task. Make no bones about it, and he’s keeping a watchful eye on what’s going to happen in 2024 — and how that could affect him. Learn more from the same poll 

Is Trump the next president of the US? Just a hypothetical basis

This year, voters were invited to choose between a series of possible 2024 match-ups. President-elect Donald Trump has a slight lead over President Joe Biden with 47 percent, while Biden has 46 percent. There is a 48 to 36 percent lead for Biden over DeSantis. There was a split in the vote when Mitt Romney was mentioned as a possible Republican nominee: 42 percent voted for Biden while 23 percent voted for Romney and 29 percent voted for someone else. 

Who’s to be blamed for the chaos in Afghanistan? Bush, DeSantis, or Biden?

Sixty-eight percent of voters say the US lost the war in Afghanistan, while 32 percent believe the US won. President George W. Bush is viewed by a plurality of respondents (49%) as having the most responsibility for the war in Afghanistan, followed by President Joe Biden (24%), Barack Obama (18%), and President Donald Trump (ten%) in that order. When it comes to blaming and the war’s conclusion, the majority of those who hold Bush (73 percent), Obama (70 percent), and Biden (68 percent) responsible feel the US lost the war, while the majority of those who hold Trump most respondents believe the US won the battle (57 percent). “This contrast emphasizes the intricacy of long-term conflicts,” says Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson College Polling. Three presidents (Bush, Obama, and Biden) are blamed by voters for the US losing the war. In contrast, Trump is chastised by people who perceive his actions as to why the US won the whopping war Half of the people (50%) believe the United States should not regard the Taliban as Afghanistan’s official government. In contrast, 21% encourage this position, and 30% are undecided. 

1 What is the Emerson College survey, and what is it about?2 President DeSantis? Do some say yes, some say no- excellent sign or a bad one?3 Is Trump the next president of the US? Just a hypothetical basis4 Who’s to be blamed for the chaos in Afghanistan? Bush, DeSantis, or Biden?